The ingredients of coffee and cigarette smoke can easily contaminate teeth. The only sure way to prevent these stains from spoiling your smile is to quit smoking and drink coffee altogether. Some dentists recommend toothpaste that can gradually reduce the weight of the teeth, but if you continue to smoke and drink coffee, the benefits of whitening toothpaste are temporary. If you have the habit of coffee or smoking, please tell your dentist and ask for advice on whitening toothpaste.
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surface tension
stains from drinking coffee and smoking deposited in the outer layer of teeth. These stains tend to become fixed over time, making them more and more difficult to remove. Toothpaste used to remove these stains usually relies on abrasive ingredients to help remove them. Brushing with whitening toothpaste helps loosen and remove stains, but wear can also damage enamel.
h3>chemical reaction p>toothpaste brand with whitening effect has different components. Some chemicals, such as blue theobromine, are widely included in toothpaste to help teeth look whiter. But they don't actually reduce the yellowing of teeth, they just cover up stains. Only dental professionals can prescribe and provide whitening treatments, including complex solutions for removing deep stains.