5 things you need to know about carbamophenol


Carbamophenol, or the brand version of robaxin, is usually the result of physical injuries, such as sprains, strains or other types of muscle damage. It can relax injured muscles and relieve muscle pain and spasm. Methylaminophenol is combined with rest and physiotherapy. Because it is used to help heal injured muscles, prescriptions are usually prescribed for only two to three weeks, and they generally do not need to be taken for long periods of time.

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span= "article-image-uu caption-inner"> the doctor who bandages the sprain. (Picture: Sasha_u Suzi/iStock/Getty Images)

Methylaminophenol, or brand Robaxin, is usually prescribed after physical injury such as sprain, strain or other types of muscle injury. It can relax injured muscles and relieve muscle pain and spasm. Methylaminophenol is combined with rest and physiotherapy. Because it is used to help heal injured muscles, prescriptions are usually prescribed for only two to three weeks, and they generally do not need to be taken for long periods of time.
